
Sales Funnel

Successful ventures make sales consistently and with enough high volume.They know despite their regular expenses which include employee,infrastructure, and other costs, they are going to be profited. ‘The sales’ is not a straight road destination. This is why reforming lead to a customer often takes its own course and fluctuates from business to business.
Whether in B2B or B2C, one needs to understand sales journey. This can be done by following steps developed by concept called Sales Funnel. It is also called revenue funnel.

What is sales funnel ?
A sales funnel is a marketing notion. It is a step-by-step progression that endorses your venture to bring your customer closer to your product and a buying decision through the chain of marketing actions. Sales funnel is just like a salesperson, which once organized works on producing sales.
There are three phases of the sales funnel, each of them bears responsibility in promoting the product.
3 basic Sales Funnel stages are:
• Awareness stage
• Relationship stage
•Action stage

Awareness stage – “Step to generate leads”
The awareness stage is the initial phase where your goal is to let people know that you exist. Through this, your prospect learns about your brand and what you offer. Now question arises, what can be done to make people aware of your business?
There are many ways to reach your target audience and create awareness. Some of them are content marketing, social media marketing, paid Ads, and mouth publicity.

Relationship stage – “Cultivate interest and desire”
Once people are aware of your brand, you have to build a relationship with them. Here you need to build trust and authority so that people become snug while purchasing from you. During this phase, you need to settle on what buying beliefs you need to inaugurate in your customers before they buy.
For example, a vegan person might need to believe that the cakes are made of 100% plant ingredients.
Belief system makes consumers for your product or service. Incorporate buying beliefs in the sales funnel and educate your prospects regarding it.

Action stage – “Selling and then up-selling”
In this stage, you need to close the sales from customers. After building a strong relationship with the customer through the previous stage, your customer will already want to buy your product or service. One way to increase sales is by using urgency and scarcity to get people buy. Also, you can up-sell by adding related products and services to your customer. Aside from generating sales, up-selling will improve customer experience.

Why use Black Gambit for sales funnel service?
Black Gambit is a tech-enabled B2B demand and digital marketing solutions provider. We generate custom strategies for each of our clients based on their needs and aims. We offer full-service approaches to facilitate clients and use a combination of digital modes to increase visibility, transformation, and revenue. We keep focusing on metrics which means sales and revenue and we are well aware that hitting goals accelerate business forward.

We believe that clients’ success is the best assessment of our performance.Black Gambit understands client’s desires and works to fix marketing leaks of their funnel. It provides the best service in organizing sales funnel for their clients. You may be surprised at how much a minute modification in contacts or conversion pace can affect your bottom line. We meticulously design and approach targets to heighten clients’ business.

At Black Gambit, clients are always our top priority and our team ensures to meet their demands by focusing on driving results.

If you wish to fix your sales to achieve more leads and make more revenue,
Black Gambit is all ready to serve you